Archive for December, 2011

Arisia 2012 Schedule

December 12th, 2011

I'm Arisia-bound!

Schedule's pleasantly light this year, should be fun.

Interstitial Fiction: Dancing Between Genres
Griffin Fri 7:00PM Duration: 01:15

Interstitial fiction is writing made in the interstices between genres and categories. It is art that flourishes in the borderlands between different disciplines, mediums, and cultures. It crosses borders, written by people who refuse to be constrained by category labels. Some favorite examples will be discussed here.
Panelists: Joy Marchand, Sarah Smith, John Bowker, Julia Rios, Eric Amundsen

Can You Like Literary SF Without Being a Snob?
Douglas Sat 10:00 AM Duration: 01:15
From George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, through Thomas Pynchon and Margaret Atwood, to China Mieville, Gary Shteyngart, and Michael Chabon, authors of "serious" or "literary" fiction have used fantastic elements to tell their stories. Is it possible to like their writing, and the more popular forms of science fiction such as Dr. Who novelizations or superhero comics? How do we understand a genre like science fiction which combines both kinds of works?

Panelists: Ken Schneyer, Grant Carrington, John Bowker, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert, Andrea Hairston

The Movie Year in Review
Burroughs Sat 11:30 AM Duration: 01:30

Our annual look back at the year in SF, horror, and fantasy film. Our panel of experts will cover every theatrical release of 2011. Find out which ones are worth catching up with. Note: time for audience participation is reserved for the end of our panel's high speed review.

Panelists: Daniel M Kimmel, Mimi Noyes, Garen Daly, John Bowker, Dr.Chris

Reading: Bowker, Doyle, & Kimmel
Quincy Sat 2:30 PM Duration: 01:15
Come watch the Earth shake and the fur fly as John Bowker, Debra Doyle, and Daniel Kimmel read selections from their works. 

(Some descriptions may differ from those that appear in the Arisia Program Book.)

See you all there!

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